Thodoris Kouleris
Software Engineer

Are video games a waste of time?
In the minds of many, video games are still seen as something that only kids have the "right" to enjoy. For adults, they are often considered a waste of time. But is that really true?
Video games have evolved from two white pixels on a screen in the 1980s to today’s complex graphics with storylines that even Hollywood’s best screenwriters would envy. The depth and narrative quality of many modern games make it hard to dismiss them as mere children’s toys. In fact, there are several games based on real events that provide players with an opportunity to learn about human history while having fun.
If I had to answer the question of whether games are a waste of time with a single word, my answer would be no. But what exactly constitutes a waste of time? For example, someone might argue that reading books isn’t a waste of time, and society generally accepts that view. But the real question is: what books are being read? If someone reads books like Little Red Riding Hood, one could objectively say it’s a waste of time since it neither produces anything nor teaches anything new.
However, for every individual, even a seemingly trivial book, movie, or game can have meaning in their life. These are forms of entertainment, and depending on their content, they can either be truly enriching or remain at the level of simple amusement. Even lighthearted entertainment, though, is essential for some people to move forward in life with a little more ease.
There are times when we simply want to rest—to escape a bit without thinking, learning, or creating something. We just want to "kill" some time to relax. I believe this need is so essential that the so-called "wasted" time actually becomes an important tool for boosting productivity and creativity later on. From this perspective, it’s not wasted or lost time but rather a method to recharge and improve oneself.
When Can Something Be Considered a Waste of Time?
For me, wasted time is when you start something beneficial to you, do it once, twice, or three times, and then quit. For instance, say you decide to join a gym. You go three times, spending six hours of your life, but your body doesn’t show any change. Even then, it’s not necessarily wasted time if you do it consciously, recognizing that you’re simply taking some time to relax without fooling yourself into thinking you’re improving your fitness.
Wasted time, in my view, is when someone takes actions toward achieving a goal but gives up after a few attempts.
The Role of Addiction in Wasting Time
Another case where something can be considered a waste of time is addiction. Modern technology demands our attention. Our attention is the currency for apps like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and similar platforms. These apps are designed to be addictive, making it easy to lose three hours without achieving anything, without even having fun, or recharging your mind. You’re simply inactive. Knowing when to stop scrolling is crucial.
Subjectivity and Personal Perspective
Ultimately, all of this is subjective. No one can define with precision what constitutes a waste of time for someone else. It all depends on the timing, the motivations, and the goals of the individual. Video games are not inherently a waste of time because they mean something different to everyone.