Thodoris Kouleris
Software Engineer

Four simple projects for beginner programmers
If you're starting your journey into the world of programming, it's important to choose projects that will help enhance your skills. Here are four project ideas for beginner programmers, along with the technologies and techniques you can use for each:
Shopping List App
You can create a shopping list application using programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or PHP. For app development, you can use technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with a simple back-end framework like Flask, Express, or Laravel. You’ll also need a database such as MariaDB, MySQL, or even SQLite.
Image Collection
Build an application that allows users to upload images and organize them into albums. You can include features for viewing, editing, and deleting images, as well as creating albums for photo organization. The back-end implementation can again be done using Python, JavaScript, or PHP, along with a database like MariaDB, MySQL, or SQLite.
Task Calendar
Develop a simple calendar app that enables users to schedule and manage their daily tasks. You can use programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript to build the application, and frameworks such as Flask or Spring Boot for the back-end. For the front-end, you might use a library like FullCalendar.
Currency Converter
Create a simple application that converts currency values from one unit to another. You can use free API to fetch current exchange rates and implement the functionality using languages like Python or JavaScript.
These project ideas can help beginner programmers develop their skills and understand fundamental programming concepts. Happy Coding! 😊